- Will Wheaton postulates 'The behaviour of parties partaking of
militarised nerf-based tactical engagements should not be comparable to male
Addendum i: aka 'Don't be a dick'
- Parties partaking of militarised nerf-based tactical engagements should
avoid discussion of said engagements
Addendum i: Unless they really want to
- ???
- Profit
- Clause 1: Shots to the head or torso should immediately be followed with
a melodramatic death by the shot party
Clause 2: Shots to the limbs should result in the shot party acting as
though the limb has been severed
- No melee with hard materials
Addendum i: Stealing bullets is fine
- The length of a last stand a shot party can partake of is directly
proportional to the melodrama of death said shot party has just enacted
- The safe word is 'saskwatch'. Following utterance of the word by
any party involved in a militarised Nerf-based tactical engagement all
combat shall cease.
- Parties engaged in militarised nerf-based tactical engagements may only
shoot at other parties wielding nerf-based tactical engagement devices
Addendum i: or those parties engaged in militarised nerf-based tactical
engagements wish to annoy
Addendum ii: or those holding vibrating boobs
Addendum iii: or those sporting beards
- Parties engaged in militarised nerf-based tactical engagements should
avoid trusting parties engaged in militarised nerf-based tactical
engagements identifiying themselves as Jamieson Q Lock Esq.
- Invasions of houses must be commenced by breaching the front door and
shouting all rules, clauses and addendums of the articles of general
agreement on the safe and proper conduct of militarised nerf-based tacticle
Addendum i: shouting 'Flashbang!' upon entering the premises will suffice
Addendum ii: invasion actions should be prefied by 'Let's Do This'
- Clause 1: Parties engaged in militarised nerf-based tacticle engagements
must accept the surrender of other such parties
Clause 2: The treatment of prisoners-of-war by parties engaged in
militarised nerf-based tacticle engagements must be in accordance with the
rules laid out in the Geneva Convention
- Parties engaged in militarised nerf-based tacticle engagements must not
teabag other such parties
Addendum i: no coffee granules either
Addendum ii: no martyr noobing
- Upon utterance of the phrase 'Get to the chopper' by a party engaged in
a militarised nerf-based tacticle engagement all other such parties
associated with the team of the uttering party must retreat post haste.
- Do not aim at eyes or face
- It is inappropriate for parties involved in militiarised nerf-based
combat to idle with the sole purpose of obtaining hats.
Addendum i: Even if the hat is awesome