
Webflex was a bare bones content management system for ASP.NET websites. It included a data abstraction layer, security, including optional row-based security and a task manager. Webflex also included a client application through which registered users can upload content.


Webflex isn't available for download, but please do ask if you're interested.


Webflex originally started about 6 years ago, after I'd noticed that I was entering the same information again and again when registering with various forums. I figured that if these forums had a desktop application for them, I would just have to enter that information once and click a register button for each forum I visited, which would automatically submit my details to the server. Such a client could also have popup notifications for new posts like many email clients.

Over time, the project became more and more abstract, eventually resulting in a collection of essential tables for data management, user registration and security.  After spending 6 years on the project I decided to stop working on it, on the basis that it wasn't going anywhere and that there were far more competant CMS systems doing what I wanted to do freely available.